The Oregonian's contemptuous dismissal of Sam Adams' supporters (in today's editorial) as being driven either by ulterior motives or desperation was patently offensive.
Further, just one day after printing a lurid account of a men's room kiss you state that not only is sex between consenting adults not a "fit topic for public discussion," but that Adams probably lied because that is "not a universal opinion."
That's a hair's breadth from acknowledging that what Adams did wrong was to mislead the bigots of the world about something that is clearly none of their business. That is perhaps more commendable than condemnable.
But rather than admit this, the Oregonian just left this loose end of all its twisted logic dangling so as not to contradict its premature call for resignation last week.
You do not get to decide who is mayor of Portland, and neither do your statewide and suburban readers. We, the voters of the city, will decide. You thought that by shaming Adams, you could get him to resign and take away our franchise. Sam stood up and proved you wrong, and at least for that I can be proud of him.
There's at least one thing about this scandal that is more self-serving than Sam Adams' past behavior, and that is the Oregonian's current behavior.