Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wealth concentration threatens America

If the wealthy are the job creators, they sure have been lousy at it lately.  You'd think we'd have jobs coming out of our ears.

No, the real job creators are the middle class, whose spending has always been the key driver of our economy.  A rapidly growing pool of wealth stagnates among the wealthy, while the shrinking middle class contributes less and less to economic circulation.

Blocking our recovery is the infamous Golden Rule: those with the gold make the rules.  As the rich have become richer, they have become more powerful, blocking any attempts to restore balance.  The concentration of wealth has now reached dangerous levels, a vicious cycle threatening not only our economy but democracy itself.

Imposing a modest surtax on income beyond a million dollars isn't about class envy, or punishing wealth, or ending capitalism.  It's about saving our country.