Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fluoride proponents breaking election law?

Those who support fluoridation based on minority groups' endorsements might want to know that the pro-fluoride campaign has donated $143,000 to those groups.  If someone really believes in a cause wouldn't they donate to the campaign, rather than the other way around?

Shouldn't the Secretary of State be investigating this obvious buying of endorsements?  Well, as a legislator Kate Brown championed a failed bill that would have forced fluoridation on Portland and other Oregon cities, so she might have a conflict of interest on this issue.

By the way, the NAACP, which has not received donations, is endorsing a NO vote.  People with diabetes, kidney, liver and thyroid problems - all of which disproportionately impact people of color - are extremely sensitive to fluoride.  The NAACP knows that their communities will be harmed by fluoridation.